MedUniverse helps life sciences companies create HCP engagement strategies
Access to HCPs is becoming more and more restricted, limiting the industry’s ability to raise awareness about treatments, and help prescribers to identify the right patients for their products.
The resulting lack of commercial/medical HCP engagement has a negative impact on both patient outcomes and access to novel treatments.
To bridge the gap between industry and HCPs,
MedUniverse has developed an engagement methodology that reconciles industry objectives and HCP needs

We have supported our customers in over...
Patient Cases
Completed HCP Interactions
Total HCP Minutes
"We started to use MedUniverse to test this concept. The feedback from the sales teams was that they felt that the quality and relevance of the meeting with the HCP had improved. We are now digging further into this feedback from the sales teams, to build an integrated patient case approach."
Regional Sales Force Effectiveness Manager
"We created 3 patient cases on the MedUniverse platform and then distributed the links to different HCP groups. By using the dashboard we identified which group of HCPs had a knowledge gap regarding our product interactions for one specific patient group."
Local Market Product Manager
"I have now seen that they are connecting across the organisation in a way that did not happen before. I witnessed the teams sharing patient cases and subsequently their best practices."
Global Director, Diabetes
"By doing so, we’re able to identify that one of the channel messages wasn’t working as we had planned. We were thankfully able to make changes that improved how HCPs in that target group used our product with their patients."
Regional Business Unit Manager
"MedUniverse has meant that we now have a platform for the KOLs to edit and test the patient cases before giving their final approval. As a result, the KOLs have felt that this was a much better use of their time, as it was not wasted on fragmented communications, version control etc. which in the past had just frustrated them."
Global Director